Have you ever found yourself in the midst of life asking the question "Why is there so much pain in the world?" My guess is that you, or someone you know, have asked this question or one very similar in nature. This is a very human thing to do. If God is, then why hurt, pain, disappointment, and brokenness. Can I offer another thought? I understand we are seeking answers. I understand we are trying to make sense of our world. I know what it is like to have walked through life circumstances that did not go the way I expected them to. So, can I offer another thought?
Why is there so much good in the world? Why is there so much love?
Why do we jump to the position of blaming God for the hurt, pain, destruction and evil in our world, yet we embrace the gifts, joys and love of life without attributing it to the one who is love and who is life? I am simply wondering, why is there so much beauty in creation and why is there so much love?
You see, this has been a challenge for men and women since time began. If you take a look back at creation and the earliest experiences of the human race, you might discover that humans have had to make a choice when it comes to life circumstance. Will I choose to trust God, trust that he loves me and that he is always working for the absolute best in my life, or will I choose to not trust God? In Genesis, scripture communicates that God had given Adam and Eve every tree in the Garden to enjoy, except one. One. (Imagine being given a gift of $1,000,000 and the gift giver puts one more dollar on the table and says you can have the $1,000,000 but you cannot have that $1. I do not know about you, but I would be good with that.) Instead of being content with the "ALL except one" offer, Adam and Eve chose to be selfish. God has been giving generous gifts since time began, but if you keep reading the story, you discover that another player enters the game and begins to sow seeds of doubt and confusion. The serpent (aka The Devil, Satan) enters the picture and questions God. Better yet stands in total defiance and opposition of God's plan for Adam and Eve.
And thus it continues. You and I are caught in the middle of a great struggle. A struggle over your heart and mine. God in all his love and mercy is regularly communicating his generous love for all people and is inviting us into life; while Satan is sowing seeds of doubt, confusion and lies that lead to death. It is a battle of two kingdoms. The Kingdom of Life versus the Kingdom of Death. Within this struggle, we have a choice: a choice of who we will trust?
I know so much of the time it might seem difficult to believe in a God when people suffer and die, but those are not the qualities of the God I know. The God I know is one who brings life, love and hope. The God I know is working tirelessly to express His love for you and for me. The God I know is displayed in the majesty and beauty of His creation. The God I know sent His son Jesus as an expression of His love to conquer death so that we might live. The God I know is worth following because He knows what it is like to be me and experience all that life throws at me. The God I know loves you passionately!
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