Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Beautiful Exchange...

So this week I purchased the newest Hillsong Live Album "A Beautiful Exchange".  I have been listening to the tracks over and over again as I have been cruising around town.  Let me first say that I am so glad that we were created to worship and that you do not have to wait for Sunday morning.  No joke, I have been having church in my car.

As I have been listening to the various songs, the title track from the album has captured me in a wonderful way.  As I listen to the song, I find myself in the words.  I notice phrases reach me and impact my being.  Reflecting on the lyrics to Beautiful Exchange (written by: Joel Houston), I am captured once again by the God who refused to be distant and silent.  I am reminded of the God who fought for me with His mercy and who gave His life in a beautiful exchange.

No matter who you are, God's love made a way for you.  He has orchestrated the beautiful exchange.  We must simply be willing to sing "Holy are you God! Holy is Your name! With everything I've got, my heart will sing how I love you Lord."  Be captured!  Be captivated by the love of God, there is nothing else like it.  Check out the lyrics below, maybe they'll hit you like they have me.

You were near
Though I was distant
Disillusioned I was
Lost and insecure
Still mercy fought
For my attention
You were waiting at the door
Then I let you in
Trading your life
For my offenses
For my redemption
You carried all the blame
Breaking the curse
Of our condition
Perfection took our place
When only love could make a way
You gave your life in a beautiful exchange
My burden erased
My life forgiven
There is nothing that could take this love away
And my only desire and sole ambition
Is to love you just the same
Holy are you God
Holy is your name
With everything I’ve got
My heart will sing how I love you

Friday, September 3, 2010

Live in Love.

Most days, if not all, I look in a mirror and see my reflection.  If I am completely honest, it is most often in the morning as I get ready for the day.  I spend time getting ready and give myself a final check before heading out into the world.  I like to think that this behavior is pretty normal.  Maybe you are like me.  What’s interesting about my obsession with the mirror is that I am regularly captured by the wrong image.  When I look at myself I most often stop at the surface and miss the opportunity to make sure my heart is ready for the day.
Each day that we get up and get ready, we have a choice: will I live today for myself or will I live a life of love that has its source in God.  Each day I have to make a choice in whose reflection will be on display.  Will I reflect KURT or will I reflect GOD.  In 1 John 4, we see that God is love.  This means that every time I make a choice to display love I display God and every time I choose to reflect God I reflect love.  These two things go hand in hand.  God is love.  God loves YOU!  God loves me.  God loves all of humanity.  This is how it works and this is who He is.  But the question is, will I allow who He is to transform who I am?
In a world driven by greed, self-glorification, fame and fortune, You and I have an interesting choice to make.  Will we be another individual living for self with something to prove or will we be an individual captured by the love of God displayed in Jesus who lives with a heart for more than self with something to give?  
For the past 20 years I have been engaged in a growing relationship with Jesus.  Over the past 20 years I have discovered something wonderful.  When I choose Jesus as my source, he fills me and supplies me with all I need.  In Jesus I am accepted and loved.  Because I am extravagantly loved by Jesus, it frees me to extravagantly love others.  When I look in the mirror and see that my heart is captured by the love of God, I know that I can go live that day with something to give instead of something to prove.
Live in Love!

The daily choice is this: will i love the way god loves?
“Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God...if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.” (1 John 4)